Rugged, challenging, growth inducing and absolutely magnificent!

Mallory Butler | United States of America | Volunteer Project


Why did you choose to volunteer for EHRA?

I chose to volunteer with EHRA because it was rugged and not as “pampered “ as some of the other organisations I researched to volunteer at. I was looking for an environmentally based Elephant volunteer organisation in Africa. EHRA fit perfectly with my personality, interest and dreams. I was really gravitated towards the team spirit feel and camaraderie that would be gained while volunteering there.

What was build week like?

Build week was wonderful, challenging and growth inducing all in one. It was very nice to know that we were building infrastructure in the village where elephants had done damage. Building a wall that would protect one of the villager’s water sources gave me a good feeling. It is clear to see that the people could use an extra hand regarding certain aspects of their livelihood. I understand the human/elephant conflict here is a complex one and I wanted to be respectful of them while lending a hand as well. The work was good hard work, but doing it all together as a group created a bond that only we can share!

What will you remember most about your time with EHRA?

I will remember so many things about my time with EHRA. As I write this entry I have only been here 4 days but I have already gained a treasure trove worth of memories! To me, these are invaluable when we first got here, the very first day, the very first hour, an elephant came casually walking down the river bed towards the direction of the campsite. It was absolutely magnificent. The sun was beginning to set and so he was illuminated beautifully in the evening light. It was almost as though I was dreaming. But, there have been so many memories that I have experienced. Getting to know all of the guides and their playful spirit and banter back and forth, sharing stories and laughter over dinner with a mouth-watering meal, I think most of all I will remember the friends I’ve made and the special connection I share with them and no one else in my life.

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